
Baseball Pitcher Conditioning

What is “The New Mold” of pitcher conditioning? First, do baseball pitchers, or any baseball player for the matter, need to condition? Yes they do.  However, that’s not the real question. The real question is whether baseball players should partake in long distance running/conditioning?  Hell No! And when I say long distance conditioning or running, […]

Baseball Pitcher Strength Workouts

  If you are a baseball pitcher, READ BELOW to save yourself from years of stupid mentality when it comes to baseball strength training.   1. Light lifting for arms, really? I assume when people tell you this they are generally referring to “lifting your uppers,” including your chest.  First off, how do you measure […]

SLAP (Superior Labrum Anterior-Posterior) Protocol for Athletes

You’re probably reading this post because you’ve had a SLAP tear, or know someone who’s had a SLAP tear. What is a SLAP tear anyway?  A SLAP (Superior Labrum Anterior-Posterior) lesion is a tear in the superior portion of the labrum of the shoulder. Picture your shoulder joint; it’s a ball and socket joint, specifically […]

The Mechanics of Throwing a Baseball: Implications for Long Tossing

Short flat ground throws   VS.    Long toss throws Which throw causes more stress at your shoulder and elbow?  What should you be using in the later phases of your rehab?  Have you returned to baseball and still have pain?  Read this quick, one page document from the Journal of Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT) […]

Injury Prevention Guidelines for Young Baseball Pitchers

In the recent past the sport of baseball has become, and will probably continue to be a year round activity with such events as showcases, fall ball and summer workouts.  Activity and training of this magnitude and scope (the same type of training over, and over and over again) increases the chance for significant shoulder […]

Briefing on Shoulder Anatomy by Dr Chris McKenzie

Check out this brief description of shoulder anatomy for overhead athletes and let me know if you want to know more. Keep an eye out for the elbow. [video_text] [h2]Shoulder Anatomy video[/h2] By Dr Chris McKenzie [/video_text]